Saturday, February 27, 2010

The joy of reading...

I just wrote this whole post about books and reading and how awesome they are and how I was totally deprived of English books here in Suisse. And then something F-ed up and I lost it all! So I'm pissed and I'm not retyping it. It was full of images and hyperlinks and hearty witticisms. F you blogger. So all you're getting now is a picture of books. I love them. And I will never take used book stores full of English books for granted again.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Duality of Man

Cully the Arm

Black Tooth Grin.
Merc 67 jacket.
the mind of a savant bent on dangerous literature.
do not fuck with Cully the Arm.

Snow Day!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Of Elevators...

Never safe from Paparazzi.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Graphic Tee?

Wolves are popular, especially amongst the 'hipster' crowd, or anyone wishing to be ironic. And it is irony. If any of the girlfriend's jeans-wearing cats in my neighborhood actually saw a wolf they would promptly soil themselves and run as fast as their Chuck Taylors would allow. How do I know this? M.


M is my dog. I know you think your dog is cool, but M is cooler. M is the coolest dog ever. Don't dispute me. M actually has more friends than I do. Half the friends I have only hang out with me because of M. They call up at night to see if he has plans and if he can come out with them. As if he he had any other events scheduled for the evening besides chewing his bone and being cool.

M, as you can see above, resembles a black wolf. He's of considerable size and looks hungry. He likes the hunger. It keeps the fear up. Anyway, we can't get 10 feet out of our front door without someone running away from M. Grown men, children, women with heavy handbags; they all flee to the other side of the street like I'm walking an alligator (and where are the alligator tee-shirts?). This week I saw a woman turn her face to the wall and make the sign of the cross when she saw him. I'm not joking. All of this in the epicenter of ironic, wolf-loving, hipster America. What's a dog like M to do? I mean, given the amount of wolf merchandise, wolf-named bands and self given wolf nicknames (guilty!) that abound, that dog should be mayor of this town. But it's alright. M is happy. He doesn't mind the discrimination. He's simply content to be awesome, chase a squirrel and howl at the passing fire trucks. Truth is, he's a complete sweetheart. With teeth.

So why post about this now? I've had M for over 5 years, surely by now we're used to the irrational fear of the villagers. And that Three Wolf Moon tee-shirt has long been around the internet and written into your favorite tv sitcoms. No, I write this now because there have been new developments on the ironic wildlife front. New evidence being passed around the interwebs suggests that the wolf has combined forces with some of nature's other intimidating species. He put the call of the wild out there and they have rallied to the cause.
Get your tee-shirts printed up.
Scribble down some potential band names.
If you own a van you may want to airbrush this on the side of it.
No one will be safe from this power trio. No one.

Run for your lives.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Redundancy of Colloquialisms

A has pointed out to me that by nature of their construction (as determined by their function), all chaps are inherently 'assless'. Then why do I insist on calling them 'assless chaps'?
Maybe because it's just more fun.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Awesome Robocop valentine courtesy of HuldaPress's shop on Etsy.

Friday, February 12, 2010


In a couple of hours I'll be flying out tonight to meet A in Vienna for Valentine's Day. Valentine is a Saint and Europe is largely Catholic, but I don't think they celebrate the holiday the same as we do, if at all. (I found it oddly easy to make a late-minute dinner reservation at a well reviewed restaurant) I'll let you know if the town is covered in heart shaped confectionaries and naked baby archers. Either way, I've never been to Vienna before and I'm excited for that. Not quite as excited as I am to see A. It's been about a month and a half since the last time we saw each other in person. Our shared ground is the airport terminal.
After a few days in Vienna we plan to hit London for a couple of nights. It just so happens J will be there at the same time so we'll get a chance to hang out. All in all it's going to be a nice little trip.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 things i wish for...

1. to live with JK and fall asleep together every night and wake up together every morning
2. successfully completing my PhD
3. becoming a cyborg
4. babies...eventually
5. to be stronger
6. to be faster
7. to be smarter
8. serenity
9. a more regular sleep schedule
10. the gift of flight

practicing co-habitation in NY...and dressing alike...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 things I hate....

1. that JK is across the ocean
2. long plane rides back to Switzerland...away from JK
3. waking up and not remembering my dreams and dreaming about people i don't like
4. circling sausages all neck and back are killing do most people in the workforce sit in front of a computer for 8hrs a day??
5. being sick
6. not being able to hang out with JK on the weekends
7. having to cook dinner for 1 every night
8. not having internet
9. chapped lips
10. overeating

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 things I love...

1. JK
2. my cats, Napoleon and Atilla
3. sunrise
4. running without knowing where i'm going
5. dark chocolate
6. fizzy water
7. black skinny jeans
8. oversized black shirts
9. my Sartore white men's oxford style shoes
10. Beethoven's Symphony no. 7 in A major, Op. 92, Allegretto

Monday, February 1, 2010

Vienna, here we come....

We'll be spending V-Day in this European center of culture...can't wait to take in some Mozart and Beethoven and eat goulash and linzer torte to my heart's content...

