I sleep with a lot of pillows, as you can see in the above photos. Princess Mischa thinks it's really comfy. She especially loves laying in my Snoogle maternity pillow, which is a giant, awesome, U-shaped thing. I think of it as my U-boat.
Sleep has become more and more precious as pregnancy goes on and I can only imagine how that will continue exponentially once the little one is actually here. People are often asking me how I'm sleeping, as if it is expected that pregnant women have trouble sleeping. I think this is more of an issue towards the end when size and bladder infringement become more of an issue.
In the first trimester I was like corpse tired and this continued until about two weeks into my second trimester. Now I feel I've gotten some more energy back and I actually wake most mornings before my alarm because I have to pee. For the last few nights I have been sleeping like a rock, but in the first trimester I would wake frequently throughout the night and struggle to fall back asleep. I generally need a furry creature to come hang out with me and soothe me back to sleep. Cat purrs are pretty amazing for that!
My advice is basically to get as much sleep as you can and to get whatever you need for your bed to make it comfortable enough for you to sleep though the night. In my case that includes my U-boat, 3-4 other pillows, a sleep mask and a furry creature. Sorry, hubs.
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