Some years ago the hubby (before he was the hubby) and I started this blog to help us feel connected while we maintained our long-distance relationship. He was in NYC and I was in Europe. Eventually I moved back to NYC and started a new PhD program and we forgot about the blog. Fast forward many years and now we're having a baby! After many weird health problems and deep obsessions with nutrition and fitness I'm finally pregnant!
I thought it an appropriate time to resurrect this blog to document all the excitement that is a first pregnancy. Lots of people have pregnancy blogs, so why read mine? For starters, you're probably my friend.... Also, my blog will feature a lot of cute pictures of my dog and cats, because they are obsessed with laying on me in my gravid state. You can see Mischa laying in my Snoogle with me in the photo below, this is how she prefers to sleep. Also, I'm a scientist, so I will attempt to populate this thing with interesting and factual information about what the hell is going on with my body and the thing growing inside me.
I waited until now to start blogging about this because anything can happen in the first trimester. I will make a whole first trimester post shortly after this one, recounting all the wonder and glory and rainbows and unicorns that is the first trimester. I wanted to wait until after my nuchal translucency test, and that's out of the way and came back totally normal. If you've never been pregnant or it's early in your pregnancy you may have never heard of a nuchal translucency test, but it's one of the earliest standard screening procedures that is done to get an idea of what the odds are that your fetus could have Down's syndrome. I had that scan done at about 12 weeks. I'm now 15 weeks and have the Level 2 detailed anatomy scan to look forwards to! I like these hi-tech sonogram appointments bc I get to see my baby, and that little stinker is quite active and always appears to be working out. Go ahead kid, make Mommy feel bad because I only work out twice a week....
PS I am WAY bigger now than I was in that photo at the top of this post, although still in the stage where people might just think I've been doing a little too much carbo-loading...
Congratulations !!!
ReplyDeleteAHH!!! <3 <3 <3 there's an alien inside of you!