Friday, April 23, 2010


Remember these?

Space Invaders.


My friend used to have an emulator and after a night out on the town we'd go back to his place around 4am and play Arkanoid for a few hours. Then I'd walk home the 3 blocks on Lorimer as the sky was getting rosy and wake up 6 hours later and go have brunch. Good times....One time we even went to Barcade to play. But playing classic arcade games in the privacy of your own home is definitely superior to doing it surrounded by a bunch of ironical hipsters at a bar that (i think) only serves beer. Like 700 kinds of beer. and I don't drink beer. But they do have some tasty chips there that they don't sell anywhere else in NY.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hevisaurus, a kiddie metal dinosaur band from Finland!

These kids totally stole my idea for a band. Apparently they are totally the new hotness.

found on dlisted

"Tyrant King" Leech Discovered, Attacks Orifices

I like how they add this little plug at the end
"The discovery of the presumably rare leech also highlights how species can be lost to the "incredible threat" that is Amazon deforestation"
which doesn't entirely make sense....but OK.

