Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Secrets about me...

Here's a few secrets about me that no one really knows, except for maybe my hole in a tree.

  1. i love the way sneezing feels
  2. i dance in elevators to the music on my ipod when no one else is there
  3. i can imagine smell memories in my mind and then actually physically smell the odor
  4. i associate things with certain colors (probably a minor case of synesthesia), thus i color code everything at work for organizational purposes. if something is labeled with the wrong color i become very unnerved. and if someone uses one of my colored markers/pens and doesn't put it back i get really pissed.
  5. when i was little i wanted to be a paleontologist when i grew up. i thought i'd be Indiana Jones, but with dinosaurs.

a hole in a tree. a place to put secrets.

